Thursday, December 27, 2007

Benefits of a New House

Like good versus evil, old home versus new home is forever being contemplated. Sure, there are positives on both ends: an old home has more character, for instance, but a new home has less destruction. While price, location, and size will all ultimately be factors in your decision to buy a house, age weighs in as well. When debating between old and new, consider the following benefits of a house fresh off the presses.

You Won't be Sold a Lemon: We all know it happens: we buy something that's been used only to find out - thousands of dollars later - that it was a lemon. This kind of thing can apply to computers, electronics, cars, and, yes, even houses. Maybe you buy an old house only to discover that the plumbing doesn't work, at least not in the typical sense of the word. Perhaps you realize, once winter hits, that the furnace is on the fritz. Maybe that "tiny" termite problem the previous owners disclosed is really not so small. Whatever constitutes your house turning into a lemon, buying new assures that it won't.

Less Things are Bound to Break: It's a fact of life: the older things are, the more likely they break. It may sound ageist, but older home are known for having more problems that those brand new. From everyday wear and tear to the erosion of the roof, from a leaky kitchen faucet to a backyard filled with weeds, used homes can be on their last leg. Even if they aren't, older homes are often without the technology of brand new ones. You might be able to live without a house wired for high speed Internet, but it's not very likely.

The Renovations will be Minimal: One of the best things about a brand new house is there is no need to least not for a few years. Everything is, well, new, so why replace it? This is very convenient for you: house hunting, house buying, and moving is stressful enough, the last thing you need is to add to your load by buying a house that needs a lot of work.

You Get First Dibs on Decorating: Lime green walls, shag carpet, a mural dedicated to the cast of Star Wars, it's amazing how some people decorate their houses. As a brand new home owner, however, your house is yours for the decorating. Like a blank canvas, your home gives you the proverbial paint brush and a chance to make a masterpiece.

The House Will Appreciate: Chances are, you won't stay in one house forever. You'll move, you'll upgrade, you'll downgrade. Whatever your reasons for moving, you'll likely need to sell your house. A new house, or at least one that is new when you buy it, is more likely to increase in value, an old house is more likely to do the opposite, giving you, and your checkbook, something that you might not appreciate.

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